Tuesday, February 18, 2025
An update from NDHIN director, Shila Blend, regarding the recent changes to Medicine Viewer.
Wednesday, March 1, 2023 at 08:00 am
The Impact of Community Health Information Exchange Usage on Time to Reutilization of Hospital Services
Increased utilization of community HIEs by primary care physicians on
behalf of their recently discharged patients may dramatically increase the time until inpatient
or ED reuse.
Wednesday, March 1, 2023 at 08:00 am
The new eAUA (electronic AUA) will be introduced at the March Q&A on March 16. NDHIN Quarterly Q&A.
Pilot user's comments:
"Very nice! The process is quick and seamless".
"I really like the online version so I would be more than happy to stick with it!"
Wednesday, November 16, 2022 at 11:00 pm
External Record access used to be limited to Primary Providers, Nurses, and Pharmacists. Now, ALL CLINICAL USERS can access the external record. For instructions on how to do so, click here: NDHIN External Record Access Information
Wednesday, November 16, 2022 at 12:00 pm
Clinical Portal Web Users (log into the portal through a link or URL) will see this new message on the Break the Seal screen.
Thursday, August 25, 2022
Modules and Dashboards, Oh My - Tools for Tracking and Improving NBS Timeliness and Follow-up
NDHIN Tech Director Eric Hieb, Joyal Meyer, and Amy Burke presented "ND Long Term follow-up and the NDHIN Care Coordination Pathway Process" at the APHL NewSTEPs CQI National Meeting in Washington DC, August 12, 2022. NDHIN has stepped up as a leader in HIE Care Coordination functionality with the implementation of the NDHIN Care Coordination Pathway.
Friday, June 17, 2022
Electronic Case Reporting (eCR) will automate public health case reporting by automatically generating and transmitting case reports from Electronic Health Records (EHRs) to public health agencies for further investigation, rather than manually reporting. The electronic case report captures critical clinical and demographic patient data not included in laboratory reports submitted to public health.
eCR builds on interoperability work begun with earlier stages of Meaningful Use (MU). The initial stage of eCR focuses on the initial case report; later stages may include a response from public health to the reporting clinician that may include outbreak information for providers, links to treatment guidelines and recommendations, and other clinically relevant information.
NDHIN Q&A session on eCR: Slide Deck FAQ
Link to ND Department of Health for more information and registration of intent: click here
Tuesday, June 14, 2022
Newborn Screening documents are now viewable in Patient Summary for primary providers and nurses.
Tuesday, June 14, 2022
Health care providers participating with the NDHIN will be able to securely access a patient’s medical history from Mayo Clinic facilities through the eHealth Exchange by using the external records search option from the NDHIN clinical portal. For detailed instructions on how to access external records from NDHIN, click here.